
nargis fakhri wallpaper

Friday, September 9, 2011 1 comments
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I have a poem in the new issue of Sweet, an online magazine with a wonderful section at the end called Fan Mail!Here's the table of contents. You can click around!My poem is called "Winter Starlings," which reminds me that fall is coming, and then, yes, winter, too. Snow.The harvest has begun. We saw combines out in the fields yesterday, a sunny blue sky day, and even a finished field.Maybe not today, as it's still raining, a...
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100 Rejections

Thursday, September 8, 2011 0 comments
I've received a zillion rejections, but today I want to direct you to the Angry Grammarian and her 1 Year, 100 Rejections project, also recounted here in Specter Magazine. I love this project and have started keeping track, myself, as of September 1, 2011, in the spirit of Brett Elizabeth Jenkins, blogger/poet. You've got to love someone who calls herself the Angry Grammarian, right?!Also, in honor of Brett, I am making it...
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Wish in One Hand

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 0 comments
On Monday, Labor Day, I celebrated and moaned a bit about My Ideal Job being already created and filled by The Bloggess and suggested that you visit Labors of Love at Escape Into Life. Today, I refer you to Art as a Labor of Love, by me, with art by Aurelio Madrid, also at EIL, where, of course, I work for free. Please let us know what wonderful ways the arts community is giving back to you.Lest you think all I do is moan...
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Fresh Figs

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 0 comments
Before this weekend I had never eaten fresh figs.Yes, I was a fresh fig virgin.Sure, I'd had my share of Fig Newtons and dried figs, not to be mistaken for human ears, as in "The Colonel," by Carolyn Forche. And at this very moment I have a jar of fig preserves in the fridge, to spread on toast.But I had never eaten fresh figs. I had only seen pictures, as in the painting above, by Jonathan Koch. Fresh fig on table top, right...
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My Ideal Job

Monday, September 5, 2011 0 comments
Happy Labor Day. Since I am out of work and still looking, I have been “visualizing” my ideal job! Ta da! It exists!  But somebody else already has it. The Bloggess!Yes, she apparently gets paid to write about all the categories of her existence, including momhood, anxiety, sex, and silliness. And she has a book coming out in 2012. I am totally buying it. Or using my free Amazon coupon thingey to buy it. I know she will...
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