

Thursday, November 5, 2009
What is the Church's Dope?

Hear the personal testimony of an ordained minister, upright member of society, and family man...who was on his way to Hell and didn't even know it.

This is a message by Min. Howard Pittman; a Baptist minister who, on August 3rd 1979, died in an ambulance after suffering a massive internal hemorrhage when the main artery in his abdomen ruptured from animism. Through this experience, he finally came to know Jesus Christ...after spending decades thinking he already did. Jesus gave him a vision of the current day church and showed him the deception which has taken over much of the church world.

Listen to him retell what he saw and experienced from God, as well as the remarkable message he was sent back to deliver to the church.

I would highly recommend that you take a few minutes to listen to this minister's humble testimony. It could change your life.

As a result of his interactions with the Lord, Minister Pittman has authored several books, including the one referenced in this video called "Placebo". An excerpt is posted below. You can find his books listed all over the Internet, including the European American Evangelistic Churches website.


Webster's dictionary defines "placebo" as a "medication prescribed more for the mental relief of a patient than for the actual effect on his disorder, or something tending to sooth." The doctors tell us that if we know we are being treated with a placebo, it does not work. In our minds we must think that it is a real medication and has the strength or power to heal.

If the patient believes this, then the treatment has been known to work wonders in many cases that otherwise could not have been treated. Placebo treatment is, in fact, nothing of substance, but in the mind of the patient it is real. In order for this kind of treatment to work, the doctor must convince the patient of the work of the medication.

My friend, I declare unto you that this is exact "treatment" that most "mouth-professing" Christians are using today. The doctor administering this "medication" is Satan himself. He gives the "patient" a sugar-coated religion, a shallow experience, and whispers half-truths into his ears. He then tells the "patient" that it is real and that it is all the "patient" needs. The "patient", having been taken in by Satan, believes this and goes on his merry way declaring to all that he has been born again, his salvation is real, and this experience is all that he needs.

Doctor Satan will allow his "patient" to continue to go to church and will allow him to take part in any church, that is, singing, leading in prayer, teaching Sunday School, and even preaching. He will allow the "patient" to do all and to make any kind of statement in connection with his "mouth-professing" religion, even to the point of the saving power of Jesus. Yes, he will allow the "patient" to do all and say all with one exception. That exception is that the "patient" will not be allowed to live the life that he confesses with his mouth.


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