
The ROOT of the Problem in the 'Church'

Monday, February 8, 2010
This Was Ordained By God?

There is a secular actress and comedienne by the name of Mo'Nique who has a talkshow on BET. One of her recent guests was "gospel" recording artist Kirk Franklin who is credited with bringing such spiritual hymns into the church as Parliament- Funkadelic's "One Nation Under a Groove".

When first entering the stage, Kirk kneels down in deference to Mo'Nique, bowing his head and raising his hands together as if in prayer. This is far more than a simple sign of respect. It is a position of homage and of worship.

His stance bears remarkable resemblance to the picture of male domination featured in a Lil Kim video reviewed in the Worship of Baal Peor article.

This is because it is the same spirit in operation, the spirit of a sodomite. Kirk Franklin presents himself to Mo'Nique as a dominated, emasculated male in the presence of a female 'goddess'.

After bowing down, Kirk proceeds to climb unto Mo'Nique's lap like a little boy coming to see his Mommy. Beyond being extremely perverse for a grown married man to take such liberties with a woman who is not his wife, it continues to reinforce the image of Kirk as a powerless, castrated man dependent upon the strong, worldly woman.

As the audience reacts in shock, Mo'Nique cries out, "This how we do it at the Mo'Nique show....Ain't nobody mad about nothin'...This is ordained by God, baby." and Kirk raises his hands to testify to the truth of her comments.

THIS is ordained by God? God has ordained for this man to debase himself, disrespect this woman, and mock God in this manner? Kirk then asks her "You can't even feel me, can you?"

Mo'Nique then begins a tirade of profanity before saying, "Yeah I can feel your grown *** on my legs. Get your grown *** up off me."

What is Kirk's response to being cursed out? He kisses her on the cheek before getting down off of her lap and taking a seat on the couch to proceed with the interview.

Yet, what has just happened here? Is this just entertainment? Is it all fun and games? How is it possible for this man who claims to be a Christian to not only hold God up to shame and ridicule by his behavior, but to claim that God approves us such?

What transpired here is a reenactment of the root of the problem which holds much of the church world in a vice. In fact, it has become so commonplace now, that many now fail to even recognize it for what it is. That is largely because the "church" has turned to the world for direction on what is Godly.

The root of the problem is that Adam & Eve's rebellion in the Garden of Eden gave birth to a sodomite creation. And the more the world merges into the fabric of the churchworld, the more this spirit will be reflected in the harlot church.

Take the time and listen to the following video series as the Book of Malachi is examined to give insight into the root problem in what claims to be the church...and how it must be overcome. This is a multi-part series and the remaining videos will be added as they are completed.

"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." Malachi 4:6


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