After an acrimonious fallout, Salman Khan and Abhinav Kashyap have patched up for good. The actor-director duo of 2010’s biggest hit ‘Dabangg’ had fallen apart after Abhinav quoted an outrageous fee to direct his next film.
However, after being snubbed by top producers for his astounding demands, Abhinav has made his peace with the Khan brothers and is now busy laying down detailed plans to direct a sequel to ‘Dabangg’.
Confirming the news of fallout, a source told a daily, “Abhinav is a good director, but the success of the film may have gone to his head. However, the fallout is a thing of the past and it will only be fitting if Abhinav directs the sequel.”
According to reports, Kashyap peeved a lot of producers by making astonishing demands. “He demanded more than Rs 10 crore from Eros International while negotiating for a film which did not materialise for obvious reasons. Kashyap next had a meeting with PVR Pictures. There too he demanded something between Rs 15 and 18 crore”, adds the source.
“When Salman learnt about Kashyap`s pricey ways, he responded with putting him off his radar,” says the source.
Nevertheless, Abhinav has now cleared the air with Salman. “We have Kashyap`s dates in place, which were finalised only last week. Both Salman and Arbaaz love Abhinav. Let`s not get into what went wrong, but look forward to a killer sequel,” adds the source.
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