
True "Facts"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I have returned to reading Then We Came to the End, by Joshua Ferris, the book covered in post-it notes and briefly mentioned and pictured in a past entry, Looking Back, and the current selection of my book group. Ouch, ouch, ouch.  People keep losing their jobs!

But it's also very funny.

See, I will keep telling you what people are reading, but I am not going to keep track of days.  Still planning to introduce some categories of existence in future blogging, but today is a busy day of new starts, errands, and appointments, so I am just going to fill you in on the true "facts" of the memetastic award entry, and be random.

OK, to set your mind at rest (as I already set my mother's mind at rest), no pipe has burst in our house!  No, we will not paint the house lavender.  And, while people do come to the door offering to paint our house, trim our trees, and replace our windows, no one has yet arrived on a Saturday night, drunk, to offer these services. A friend and neighbor assures me that the finger gluing is impossible, as she repeatedly tried to glue her fingers together as a child, and failed, so that leaves....

The Mystery of the Muffin.

We still do not know why a flattened muffin wrapper and many chocolate muffin crumbs appeared in the middle of the kitchen floor the other day...but a Dog Named Wolf was visiting, and we feared the worst. Diarrhea, followed by death.  But the Dog Named Wolf is fine and evidently did not eat the chocolate muffin.

Who did?  Every human who lives in the house has been questioned and denies the recent acquisition and ingestion of a muffin.  (I know from the weird news that sometimes people live in attics and come down to eat and steal things while the homeowners are away, but I don't think that applies in this case.) That leaves...

The Garage Door Repairman.

Did he, in fact, have a crumb-covered muffin wrapper in his coat pocket after a hasty breakfast and early morning garage door repair job?!  Did said muffin wrapper fall from repairman's pocket to our kitchen floor to be nosed to the center of the room by a Dog Named Wolf?

These and other true "facts" may never be known.

But it's "true" that I have compared my brain to 1) origami 2) gray batter and 3) a blueberry muffin.


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