
Biblical Manhood

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Since we shared the sermon of Biblical Womanhood in a previous article, I thought it only made sense to share Min. Voddie Baucham's sermon on "Biblical Manhood".

In this sermon, Min. Baucham discusses:
  • For six days of creation, everything God created was "good".  The first thing God said was "not good" was for a man not to have a woman.  It doesn't mean that every man must be married, yet it does mean that marriage is the preferred condition. Even Jesus is engaged to His Bride.
  • When God created woman, Adam called her "ishshah" (woman) because she came "out from man" ("iysh").  In this act, Adam claimed Eve as his own and as part of himself.
  • The world defines manhood based on performance by the "3 B's": the ball field, the bedroom, and by the billfold.  We don't need men who will strive to be another ball player.  We need men with trained minds who can be warriors for Christ.
  • In order for a male to be a "man", he must be committed to:
    • God-honoring labor - God put man in the Garden to work and keep it.  Hard work is not a product of the fall, man's attitude toward work is a product of the fall.
    • God's law - God gave Adam a law about not partaking of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil.  By giving the law to Adam, it was also Adam's responsibility to teach the law to Eve. 
    • A biblical view of family - Society teaches men that marriage is to be avoided like the plague. Men should have a priority in their minds that they are preparing to be a husband and father in order to raise up Godly children.
  • God's judgment against Adam for sin was not because he ate of the fruit of the tree, but because he listened to the voice of the woman.  His fault before God was that he did not exercise the headship he was given.
  • Headship of the husband was not a product of the fall, but was established by God before the fall. One, because God made Adam first and Eve was made for the man (I Corinthians 11:8-12).  Also, Adam named all of the animals as an example of his preeminence over them, however he also named Eve (Genesis 2:23).  Further, the fall didn't come through the sin of Eve, but the sin of Adam (Romans 5:12).
  • There is no concept of dating in Scripture like we see today.  Fathers think it is acceptable to give their daughter into the care of a 17 year old boy to be taken out, but wouldn't think of doing the same with a $200,000 car.  Society teaches men to value their possessions even over their own daughters.
  • Married or not, a man is called to honor his family...whether it is the family of his parents or his own.


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