
Big Poetry Giveaway

Sunday, March 27, 2011
I’m participating in the Big Poetry Giveway 2011 initiated by Kelli Russell Agodon at her blog, Book of Kells.  This is to usher in and help celebrate National Poetry Month this April!

If you are a poet who wants to participate, click here for Kelli’s instructions.  If you are a poetry reader, see Kelli’s post here, to sign up for the books she is giving away, and look to the left at her blog to see what other poets are participating.  Comment here on my post (or any post in April) if you want to enter a drawing for the books I am giving away.

Poets will be giving away two books and will pay the postage to mail them anywhere in the world.  We give away one of our own books and also a book (new or gently used) by a favorite poet. 

So here is what I’m giving away:

My poetry chapbook Broken Sonnets (Finishing Line Press, 2009), a set of poems that “break” the sonnet form in various ways because the subject matter of the poem is about some kind of breakage or fragmentation.  There are poems of grief (“Damage,” “Roof Leak, Mima Calls”), of joy (“A Perfect World,” “Here in Paradise”), and of daily, human life.

In a Fine Frenzy: Poets Respond to Shakespeare, edited by David Starkey and Paul J. Willis (University of Iowa Press, 2005), first edition, first printing, new, shrink-wrapped!  Shakespeare is one of my favorite poets of all time, and In a Fine Frenzy includes poems by Marvin Bell, J. P. Dancing Bear, Kathleen Lynch, Charles Harper Webb, Eva Hooker, Cecilia Woloch, Ken Pobo, Sherod Santos, and many more (including me, which is why I have this extra copy!)

Bonus gift:

October, by Louise Gluck, Quarternote Chapbook Series #3 (Sarabande Books, 2004), first edition, saddle stapled.  Gluck is one of my favorites—especially her book The Wild Iris—and I have two copies of October because a poet friend gave me one for my birthday and I had at some point gotten myself a copy.  So I am keeping the gift and giving away this very gently used copy, along with the other 2 books.

So, if you want to enter the drawing, leave a comment here with your name, and I will write it on a slip of paper and put it in a basket to draw out randomly in early May.  (Look for the winner announcement here in my blog on May 1, 2, or 3.) Once I announce the winner, he or she should then leave me a comment with mailing address (which I will record but not publish to the world), and I will send the books out that week!

You can also comment on any post here during the month of April, leaving your name and saying you want to participate in the Poetry Giveaway, and I will put your name in the basket!


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