
I & II Thessalonians

Monday, March 21, 2011
Click here to hear Pastor Zac Poonen's sermon on the Books of I and II  Thessalonians, which is summarized below:

I Thessalonians - The Gift of Godly Ministry in Preparing Us for the Second Coming of Christ
  • True repentance is to turn from idols to God
  • An idol is anything in your life that takes the place of God
  • Paul outlines the gift of a holy, just, and blameless ministry:
    • They do not speak to please men, but God. 
    • They don't use flattering words to appeal to the people.
    • They never preach for the purpose of making money.
    • They do not seek glory or honor from others
    • They do not assert their authority in order to compel people
    •  Their love for the people was shown in gentleness towards them and pouring out their lives in service to them.
    •  They worked hard night and day so as not to be a financial burden on the people.
  • It is not just the message preached, but the way one lives which demonstrates the Gospel.
  •  A true servant of God is like a mother and father; both gentle and nurturing as well as providing discipline and correction.
  • Even though Satan was able to hinder some of Paul's ministerial efforts, Satan could never hinder God's purpose.  So it is with us as well.
  • A servant of God finds joy in the spiritual development of those whom he serves.
  • Holiness is increasing in love for one another and is how we are established unblameable in before God.  
  • It is our responsibility to possess our bodies in sanctification and honor.
  • If our ambition is to please God, then we must study to be quiet, mind our own business, and work with our own hands to earn a living.
  • There is no secret coming of Christ.  He comes immediately after the tribulation with a shout and the trump of God.  Then, the dead in Christ will rise and those who are alive will be caught up to meet Him in the clouds.
  • Jesus only comes as a thief in the night for those who are in darkness. 
  • What does it mean to be asleep?  When we sleep, the things that are real around us seem unreal.  Conversely, the things that are unreal seem real
  • We must highly appreciate our elders and those who labor in the faith.
  • Man is a trinity just like God with a spirit, soul, and body.

II Thessalonians - How Do We Personally Prepare for the Second Coming of Christ?
  • The Thessalonians patience and enduring faith is the clear proof of God's righteous judgment in two areas: 1) That they are worthy of receiving the Kingdom of God; and 2) That those who trouble them are worthy to receive affliction and tribulation.
  •  Persecution will continue until the coming of Christ.
  • Do not believe or be shaken by people's visions or words about Jesus having come.  We do not know the day nor the hour of Jesus' Second Coming.
  • Jesus cannot come until the falling away occurs (which is already happening) and the Antichrist is revealed.
  • There is a mystery of iniquity just as there is a mystery of godliness.  The mystery of godliness is that Jesus has come in the flesh (I Timothy 3:16).  The mystery of iniquity is that Satan will also come in the flesh through possessing a man known as the AntiChrist.
  • The spirit of antichrist is already around to prepare people's hearts for receiving the AntiChrist.  He will come with all types of wickedness, as well as with power, signs, and false wonders.
  • If we are not willing to acknowledge the truth - about God and about ourselves - then God will allow a person to be deceived.
  • The reason many follow that which is false today is because they do not want to acknowledge the truth about their own sin.
  • The purpose of the Gospel is that we might acquire the glory of Christ.
  • Stay away from those who live lazy lives.  The Apostles' example should be followed which was to work hard and not be chargeable to others in the Body.
  • The servant of God must be a model for others, working harder than all others in that calling.


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