Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan expressed heartfelt condolences after the sad demise of the last Maharaja of Jaipur Bhawani Singh in his blog post the other day.
Offering rich tribute to the late king, Big B described him as "humble, caring and considerate”.
Talking about the Jaipur royal family, especially Bhawani Singh, Big B wrote, "When we lived in Delhi at 13, Willingdon Crescent, a road that ran along the boundary of the President of India`s house, Bubbles would often drive past in his Ford Thunderbird convertible--a most favoured car with the young of those times. And as I would be walking across to South Avenue, some 100 yards away, to catch my college bus for University, I would see him impeccably dressed in his uniform, driving along and would wonder if I would ever be able to someday get a ride in it."
Recalling his first meeting with Singh while shooting for his film ‘Ganga ki Saugandh` in Jaipur, Bachchan says, "After joining the movies, I happened to shoot for Ganga ki Saugandh` in Jaipur and met him and spent quite a bit of time in his company and his polo buddies. A smaller palace of his that had been opened and refurbished for the Queen of England`s visit, was now converted into a private hotel and we were staying there."
"One evening he invited us over to a party at his friend`s place and graciously offered to drive us there. Yes & you got it & it was that Ford Thunderbird that I used to see him in with envy," Big B posted in his blog
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