
Train Ride

Thursday, April 28, 2011
I’m headed out of town on a train, so today’s poem-a-day prompt is “train ride.”  

Since I’ll be incommunicado for a couple days, I’ll provide the last few prompts at the end of entry, too.

And say Happy Poetry Month now to all, and to all (who wrote a poem a day) a good rest!

Imaginary playlist: “Ticket to Ride” and “Here, There, and Everywhere,” the Beatles.

Here’s a reminder about the Big Poetry Giveway!  If you missed the original post, click now.

And you can also check at Kelli Russell Agodon’s blog about all the poets participating in the giveaway that she’s initiated.  (See the list on the left for participating blogs!) You can still sign up to win free books here, there, and everywhere!

When I return, on the train, I will transfer all the blue slips with your names on them into my gray hat, shake them up, and determine a winner.  I’ll send all 3 books to that winner once I get a mailing address via comment.  (I will read and record for myself the mailing address from the comment without actually publishing the comment here, OK?!)

So check back on May 1, May 2, or May 3, depending on my exhaustion level!

I am going to Chicago to:

--participate in a release reading for Brute Neighbors
--participate in The Encyclopedia Show: Creation Myths
--lead discussions for Great Books Chicago

(See Events, on the right.)

Whew!  And write at least 3 more poems for National Poetry Month!!!

April 28 poem-a-day prompt: train ride
April 29: haiku or very tiny poem
April 30: books & beyond, or Buzz Lightyear 

(“To infinity and beyond!”)


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