
Back to the Drawing Board

Saturday, August 13, 2011
I love the short animated films by RSAnimate with the cartoon drawings, words, and narration. They make things so clear! And, of course, appeal to all kinds of learners--verbal, visual, aural--and various attention spans.

Here is a good one on education (via Youtube) that describes the current context/situation and handles the tough realities with humor. While I know we must educate ourselves for the workforce and our economic times, I'm also troubled that education is primarily seen and only changed to suit political/economic needs of those in power.

I always go back to Sputnik for an example, because 1) it works and 2) it corresponds to my own life span. Science and technology had to surge in 1957 so the USA could compete with Russia in the space program and the military-industrial complex, as it is called.

We need another such surge now to stay competitive in the changing world and because of our own complacent habits, but two political/economic realities seem in irreconcilable conflict here: 1) Improve education from the young ages on up so we can have a strong country and 2) Keep Americans stupid consumers so the rich can keep their hold on most of the wealth.

Sounds cynical, but of course the "bread and circuses" aspect of the USA today has been a topic of discussion for some time.

I favor a liberal education strong on the humanities to balance an equally strong commitment to science and technology in our schools today, at all levels. We have to keep the whole human being in mind and know what's at stake.

I've talked to too many students who went to college to get a good job. How did they define "a good job"?  Good salary, good benefits, lots of vacation time. "And what would you be doing?"

No answer.

If it's all about the lifestyle--the job = the money to enjoy leisure activities + nice house--then what are we doing to contribute back to the community*? And to keep ourselves feeling productive and happy with what we do?

*feel-good charities

Believe me, I have not solved this for myself, and I'm no expert on this, but I can see the dilemma.


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