
I Love Lucy

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Google greeted me today with a clip from I Love Lucy and the reminder that it would be Lucille Ball's 100th birthday. Ah, so many sweet memories of childhood, so many silly laughs!

In Random Coinciday mode, I am off to a slumber party tonight, with some old girlfriends in Chicago. Yes, "old girlfriends," meaning we've been friends a really long time...and we are getting old. Er. We have to concede we are getting older. 40s-60s. But we are still having a slumber party.

Childhood is also evoked in the August poem-a-day postcard project I'm participating in, sort of like a chain letter but not illegal! That is, it reminds me of childhood chain letters. I would be promised 30 or 100 letters if I did my part! I did my part and usually got one or two.

The postcard project is working out much better, a benefit of growing up! I've already received 3! And it's only August 6! Actually, I've sent 9, as some of the advice I read suggested starting early so the mail could catch up and someone might receive a postcard on the the first and be all the more motivated.

So I gathered my first postcards in Michigan, sent a few from Chicago, and now they will all come from good old Normal, Illinois, and sometimes Bloomington, home of Beer Nuts.

Now I'm going to imagine a little I Love Lucy episode involving Lucy diligently, for some very good reason, stuffing a lot of Beer Nuts into her mouth and trying to swallow them on down with giant mugs of beer.


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