
Hollywood Unmasked and Exposed

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Have you ever wondered how some of your favorite actors and actresses manage to be so convincing in their roles? How do they transform themselves into becoming the characters that they play and make it look so real?

Are you familiar with such concepts as automatic writing, channeling, theosophy, demon possession, astrology, fortune telling, satanic worship, occult sacrifices, mind transference, transcendental meditation, black magic? Many of them are...and they credit these practices for their success in Hollywood.

Entertainers such as Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, Johnny Depp, Robin Williams, Sandra Bullock, Kevin Bacon, Roseanne Barr, Greta Garbo, Halle Berry, Marlene Dietrich, Winona Ryder, Joan Crawford, River Phoenix, Mae West, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sammy Davis Jr., Lucille Ball, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Michael Landon, Peter Sellers...openly acknowledge the influence spiritism and the occult has played in their acting careers.

In an interview with Spike Lee, he relates these things as being similar to hocus pocus and voodoo. He couldn't be more right. The Scriptures expressly forbid attempts to contact the deceased and interact with them. Any attempt to access the spirit world apart from Jesus Christ is satanic.

Individuals in the industry describe these transformations as "scary" and "spooky". Why? Because they know these actors are tapping into the supernatural and calling upon demonic spirits to take them over in their performances. Many of the world's leading entertainers are crossing into the realm of witchcraft and the occult. Yet, they are worshiped around the world and held up as icons. People flock to see their latest pictures, swoon to hear their advise, follow every nuance of their lives, etc. What spirits are really being presented for your amusement and entertainment? What are you joining yourself to when you make these "stars" your idols?

"Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh." II Corinthians 5:16a

So many want to simply dismiss what these artists say about their own efforts to become embodied with other spirits. But this is commonplace in Hollywood. We are not speaking of the exception, but of the typical practice by most in this field. Are you really prepared to understand what they are dealing with?

We had previously posted all of the Hollywood Unmasked videos below, but a poster raised concerns about the graphic nature of some of the content, including images of homosexuality being pushed in the media. We agree with this poster and have only included two videos below: 1) An overview of the Hollywood Unmasked series; and 2) An separate interview with Spike Lee about how Denzel Washington sought to be possessed by the spirit of Malcom X in preparing for that role.


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